2020 Winners
Seven Tea One

Empowers differently-abled teens to earn dignified income through meaningful job placements and skills development

PWD Smart FarmAbility

Advocates environmental health and food security through ethical farming and making nutritious organic food accessible to people of all economic background

Muhammad Nazmi Rosli

Ensures rural school children are not left behind in the pursuit of quality education

IMAM Response & Relief Team - IMARET

Eases the burdens of communities affected by disasters and crises through the provision of humanitarian and medical aid

Sangga Sinnayah

Educates school children through holistic learning and integrates sustainable development goals as part of the education experience

Kennedy Michael

Champions river conservation, protection and rehabilitation as a shared responsibility through effective community engagement and empowerment

Bengkel Teknologi Senior

Promotes digital inclusion among senior citizens through digital literacy workshops which help them live more independently

Langur Project Penang (LPP)

Promotes the coexistence between wildlife and humans through research, conservation and environmental education

Great Heart Charity Association

Connects beneficiaries, volunteers and donors with the aim of making charitable giving a part of everyone’s life

Fuze Ecoteer Outdoor Adventures

Instills greater appreciation and respect for nature and promotes environmental protection through ecotourism and community programmes